My First Novel
I've always wanted to write a book but never had a story. I'd hear about JK Rowling or Susan Collins speak about their stories being given to them, I would literally get depressed. I was jealous, yet inspired. Then I'd ask, 'when will I receive my story'?
Seven years later to be exact. I'll never forget it. January 11, 2013, I was sitting at my desk at the office crying my eyes out. I'm talking about the ugly cry. A sobbing, snotting, heartwrenching cry that traveled through the office walls. My boss and co-worker at the time tried their best to console me, but there was nothing anyone could do. A piece of my heart had broken off and was lodged in my chest. Comfort, healing, or better days were unimaginable. I was hopeless.
After that, I sat back down and returned to sobbing with my head in my hands, when suddenly I felt nothing. The pain stopped. It was like the clouds parted and the light came shining through. My aha moment! I could see it! My story was playing out in front of me. My cries turned into screeches of joy. I frantically grabbed a pen and wrote the outline for the entire SIDELINED series.
The first book was written in six months. It was 80,000 words and in bad shape. Who said that writing was easy? My first novel needed a lot of work. I needed to grow as a writer and to do a lot of research and writing, writing, and more writing. Forty drafts, countless rewrites, and numerous proofreads later, I'm finally releasing the first installment of the SIDELINED SERIES.
Writing a book was the hardest thing I've ever done. It was so therapeutic. I laughed, cried, and healed as I relived the memories and created the story.
Hats off to all authors whether you sell one book or a trillion, you've accomplished something great. And to those of you who feel like it will never happen, hang on just a little bit longer. Live a little more, make some more mistakes, fall, and get back up. Pray, pray, and pray some more. Center yourself, get in touch with God and keep moving forward. Dreams do come true.